"Mitt Romney = R-Money" Featured in Uptown Almanac SF

"That's right, boys and girls. This local genius has cracked the code. Romney is just "R MONEY" scrambled. R MONEY... don't you get it? Our Money? And he has disco skates... which unscrambles to ... TACOS KISSED! Our Money is riding on TACOS KISSED? What does it mean!?
Somebody get Nicholas Cage on the phone. If my calculations are correct, this could answer the question of where all our fucking money has gone. It's riding around on tacos kissed. I can feel it."

The Frondz at San Francisco Sunday Streets

If you google "The Frondz" apparently my costume pops up in the first results.  Here's an oldie from 2009 during a Sunday Streets.

Streetsblog San Francisco Features "The Frondz" Costume

With new pants, jacket and hair, "The Frondz" costume was captured by Streetsblog San Francisco during the first Sunday Streets of the summer, dubbed "A green shout out to Happy Days."